A Psychotherapy Practice Driven By Purpose

Photo by Chris Charles on Unsplash


Around Easter in 2018, I’ve discovered Active Care Centre through the group salsa dancing classes offered by the centre.  I came in with the intention of bonding with my teenage daughter through dancing, what I got was so much more!  Connecting with Active Care Centre was like coming home for me.  It is a place of healing, tranquility and joy, so it became home for my psychotherapy wellness practice to provide support and healing to my clients from the heart.


The catalyst for change came in 2013 when my older brother, Ed Sun, died of pancreatic cancer within a month of his diagnosis.  That was my wake-up call to life!  In hindsight, I can see that there were many signs along the way calling for change, but I was too busy trying to look good and pretending that everything was ok inside.  Ed’s death cracked open my heart and it led me on the path of healing through spiritual psychotherapy and Reiki.  The journey of self-discovery, understanding and acceptance that followed changed my life in virtually every way.  In addition to learning to love myself for the first time, I was empowered to make positive changes in many aspects of my life – including my career.  Now, I am living my passion and purpose as a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) and Reiki practitioner helping others to find balance, grow and live a life full of purpose and meaning. 


Reflecting on the past 6 years, I am filled with love and gratitude for all the teachers and earthly angels I have met on the way including my clients.  Thank you, Ed, for being my inspiration to do what I love everyday.  Thank you, Active Care Centre, for providing the sacred healing space for me to support my clients.  Thank you, my husband and kids, for believing in me and supporting me unconditionally.  Thank you for being my tribe and know that I carry all your energy in my heart as I continue to facilitate discovery, healing and empowerment with my clients.               

Are you ready to renew your life? Send me a message to find out more about how I can help.

Wendy Sun